
KABOUM is the French version of KA-BOOM, published by IELLO. Nothing has changed, we are still in construction and demolition!

On your mark, get set, go ! You must be fast and thourough to build as many towers as possible before the hourglass ends. But your adversaries won’t let you build them peacefully, their catapults are here to destroy everything !
In KABOUM, you are a master builder. The more complicated the towers your build, the more points you will score. But be warned : you will only score the towers that haven’t been destroyed at the end of the hourglass. While you build, your opponents will have a limited number of stones to through at you.
It’s a fun family game for smart builders and sharp catapult shooters.
How did I create the game?
Right after my « animals » phase, I had a build/destroy phase (I use to work in the building industry for a while, so, maybe…). KABOUM came out of my research in that area. My daughters loved to build things with me and destroy them right away. So I created METROPOLIS (the prototype of KABOUM).
In order to create that kind of game, you have to be very precise. Complete chaos is not the answer. So I designed tiles with different type of towers to build on, allowing you to score a various amount of points.
You also have to manage the amount of building elements at your disposal, if you want to build high towers. You should also build towers away from each others to avoid them being crashed by a unique shot of catapult. The topping on the cake was the earthquake, allowing players to hit the table with their fist !
The presentation of the game to publisher was a moment to be remembered. It was in Essen, in October 2011. I was with my wife, Florence, Erwan, a friend from the « jeux sur un plateau » magazine and I had my suitcase of prototypes. The alleys were crowded.
We arrived on the Huch & Friends booth 45 minutes late for our appointment. The publisher was a bit mad at us. « Roberto, we only have 15 minutes left, so you only have time to show us one game », he told me.
I had to make a terrible choice among the 6 games I had planned to show him. I choose Metropolis. It was the right move, because the game got signed very fast with them.