
KELBAZAR is the classic version of KELBAZAR JUNIOR with objects, simpler things and adapted graphics.

In KELBAZAR you have to make other players guess objects or things by using various and varied elements. During the tests at the Saint-Malo game library, I was really amazed to see the ease and imagination that children had to materialize objects with a material as varied and bizarre as a tongue depressor, a ring , a cup, etc ...
The KELBAZAR material consists of a bag containing 120 round tokens representing objects, things (Red Background), toys (Yellow Background) or animals (Green Background), an hourglass and a nice little one bricabrac… 17 geometric shapes in wood.
How did I create the game?
In 2004, Djeco ordered a whole range of "ethnic" games from me. Among the 4 or 5 projects proposed there was KELBAZAR.
The idea had arisen while watching a TV report showing the incredible skill and imagination of West African children who made toys out of all kinds of motley accessories.
I then offered the game to Djeco with this theme, but they loved the game system but not the theme. The game has therefore become KELBAZAR, a kind of PICTIONARY of shapes where we have to make guess objects, things, etc… with heterogeneous wooden objects. The game has even been available in a classic version, KELBAZAR, and a junior version, KELBAZAR JUNIOR.
In 2013, the game was reissued by a Polish publishing house (Hobitty) under the name EL BAZAR, and is distributed in France by Blackrock.