
Don’t get trapped in the spider’s web !

Guide your ants through the jungle-garden, but BEWARE the three spider sisters above : Klaus, Roberto and Spinderella ! They are preparing their magnetic-web to capture all the ants they can !
Use the dice to move both your ants and the spiders. Capture the ants of your adversaries, bring them back to the starting line. Be smarter, be spider !
How did I create the game?
The initial idea came while i was lying on my bed, watching a spider coming down from the ceiling, hanging on a thin thread. I immediately wanted to use that 3D sensations in a game for families and children.
I had to create a 3D game borad with two levels. One level on the ground for the movements of the ants. Another one in the trees, to move the spiders. But the idea got burried for 10 years. The spide is a very shy animal.
Ten years later, in 2013, i found my early drawings and notes. The time had come to work on TWIN SPIDERS (the name of the prototype). My prototype had a huge success among publishers in Nuremberg Fair 2013 and i had to make 7 new copies of the game to send them. And making copies of prototypes is not exactly… fun.
Three weeks later I had three propositions from Zoch, Ravensburger and Huch&Friends. I eventually signed a contract with Zoch. I like very much their work and the team (Klaus, Walter and Andreas). I even came up with the idea to name the german version SPEED HERMANN, but SPINDERELLA becam its final name.
I was very glad when Gigamic, the french company decided to work hand in hand with Zoch fir the french version named GARE A LA TOILE (thank you, Bony, for the title !)