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Squad Seven

Want to live an uncredible adventure like Indiana Jones ? … SQUAD SEVEN is the game you need !

Number of players
2 to 4 players
From 7 years
Less than 30 minutes
Roberto Fraga
François Bruel
Foxmind Games


You only need a few minutes to imagine yourself in the heart of Amazonia. It’s hot, wet and noisy. Your mission : find precious objects lost during the crash of flight 217 to Chicago.

The place is filled with snakes, wild animals and terrible dangers. The jungle is full of perils and you are not alone. Three rival teams were sent there in pursuit of the same goal.

Après avoir été déposé par l’hélicoptère, vous ne pourrez compter alors que sur vos réflexes et sur les membres de votre équipe. 17 minutes plus tard, l’hélicoptère viendra vous rechercher au même endroit. Certains d’entre vous ne feront pas le chemin inverse. Les autres ont tout intérêt de ne pas rentrer bredouille…

SQUAD SEVEN est librement inspiré des aventures d’Indiana Jones, et de tous les héros de notre enfance qui fouillaient la jungle et y côtoyaient toutes sortes de dangers. Les joueurs dirigent chacun une équipe de 7 aventuriers pendant 17 minutes.

C’est le temps de la bande-son du CD fourni avec le jeu. Les joueurs retournent une à une les cartes, découvrent parfois des trésors qu’il faut saisir avant les autres, mais aussi parfois des dangers qu’il faut affronter.

Les accessoires supplémentaires, pistolet hypodermique, fléchettes anesthésiantes et cibles sont alors utilisés pour éviter de perdre un membre de l’équipe. Parfois il faudra courir sur vos petits pieds (non fournis) autour de la table (non fournie).

Game videos

How did I create the game?

The creation of SQUAD SEVEN was a long and thrilling adventure.

I always wanted to create games that provided an intense and original experience. The first idea was to use a sound track to give the tempo of the game.

I am a huge fan of brasilian music and in 1992 I created CARNIVAL, a game with a sound track. The idea of the game was to gather musicians, dancers, drummers to open a school of samba. It was a board game and it was the first step towards SQUAD SEVEN.

As years went by, I tried many themes (Mission Impossible, Barcelone olympic games, Disco-Funk…) to eventually create Explorers, a huge boardgame, full of accessories.

Then one day, I made up my mind : I decided to make a card game in the Indiana Jones spirit. I called it INFRAGA JONES and the prototype had a huge success. Thanks to Phlippe des Pallières, I signed a contract with Foxmind and the game came out as SQUAD SEVEN. The game won the Game of the Year award 2004 in France.

It was my second game awarded in France (The first one was DRAGON DELTA in 2001).

A free version of SQUAD SEVEN 2 is available in the downloads section of the site. It’s a more hectic version of the game, and takes place in a temple lost in the sands of north Soudan

SQUAD SEVEN eventually got a new life with IELLO in 2015 under the name PINGO PINGO.