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Time No Time

TIME NO TIME : un jeu d’ambiance délirant qui va mettre vos nerfs à rude épreuve !

Number of players
From 2 to 12 players
From 7 years
Less than 30 minutes
Roberto Fraga


Dans TIME NO TIME, vous devez enchaîner de drôles de gages à toute vitesse, avant que l’alarme ne retentisse ! Dépêchez-vous car si vous n’êtes pas assez rapide vous recevrez un jeton de pénalité ! 3 jetons et c’est perdu !

Ce qui est certain, c’est que vous ne regarderez plus vos amis du même œil après les avoir vus prendre des postures improbables, imiter tant bien que mal le cri de Tarzan, ou tenter sans succès d’épeler leur nom à l’envers ! Un conseil, restez toujours sur vos gardes, les cartes piège peuvent renverser le jeu à tout moment !

Game pictures

Game videos

How did I create the game?

In February 2008, I took the plane to New York to visit the NY Toy Fair, the largest trade show in the world (after Nuremberg), to present my prototypes to US and Canadian publishers.

As usual, I bring with me a whole suitcase of prototypes, but since I'm never 100% satisfied, I set myself the goal of creating an action game during the 7 hours that the Paris flight lasts- NY. So I am bringing some blank playing cards, a timer and markers.

When we arrived in NY, the goal was reached, the prototype of the CHRONOGOGO game was ready and I could even present it at the Toy Fair. You just have to try it at the hotel, because testing a crazy action game, with an alarm, and where you have to run, scream, jump ... all that in a plane in flight, is a little tricky!

I then presented the game on the NY Toy Fair and ultimately the publisher Goliath was the most interested. The game will be renamed TIME NO TIME.

A great story of express creation at an altitude of 8,000 meters!