Chicken Dance

CHICKEN DANCE is an illegal copy of my Haba game DANCING EGGS published in Argentina by TOP TOYS.

In June 2011, an Argentinian friend sent me an email to congratulate me on having marketed my game DANCING EGGS (Haba) in Argentina, because he had just seen the TV commercial on a major local channel. I immediately answer him that it is impossible because Haba (the publisher of the game) does not sell in Argentina and does not advertise TV either.
He then sends me the youtube link to the TV commercial of LA DANSE DES EGUFS, Argentina version, or rather his copy called CHICKEN DANCE over there.
It is in fact an illegal copy developed by the Argentine company Top Toys. As the economic situation is not good there, the Argentine state has sharply increased the Taxes and Customs Duties on imports for all products coming from North America or Europe, and this, to promote production. local. Suddenly it becomes very expensive to buy European or American games online and have them delivered to Argentina.
Companies like Top Toys take advantage of this fact to illegally copy a maximum of successful European or US games, and this as quickly as possible, in case the economic situation becomes more favorable and customs barriers are reduced.
During my June 2012 trip to Argentina, I bought several boxes of CHICKEN DANCE and sent them to Haba in Germany. I also found copies of other well-known European games where sometimes only the logo had been replaced, on the box, with a very crude "photoshopage".
Anyway Haba decided to do nothing, considering that currently they were not making money in Argentina since they were not selling DANCING EGGS there, but that if they started a distant and risky procedure. , they would surely lose.
Anyway, the CHICKEN DANCE version is of deplorable quality, with Kinder-type plastic eggs and it even costs more than DANCING EGGS in Europe!
Anyway, thank you to my Argentinian friends for denouncing this copy on their web pages.
How did I create the game?
DANCING EGGS is the perfect example of the smoothest creation possible. The idea came like a flash. The early prototype immediately worked. The first publisher who saw it immediately fell in love with the game. The contract was sent in less than a week and the game has been a success since 2004 (more than 350 000 copies sold !)
The idea came one day during a magic show. The magician was taking eggs from his sleeve. He gave those real eggs to children in the assistance. Very often, the eggs fell on the floor. Here came the idea to use plastic eggs, to stuck more and more of them on your body, while playing.
That mafic show took place in Port Aventura in Espagne, in July 2002.
That early prototype was called COCORISKOKOTE… the initial publisher, Haba, came up with a much better title : DANCING EGGS.