Le Trésor des Mayas

Quel aventurier fera preuve de courage, de rapidité et d’habileté pour récupérer le trésor ?

LE TRESOR DES MAYAS est un jeu d’aventures qui mélange plusieurs actions : observation, rapidité, mémorisation et motricité. Il est accessible dès 6 ans.
Au fond de la jungle retentissent les cris des animaux sauvages. Et quand surgit l’ancien temple Maya, les aventuriers se lancent dans une recherche palpitante pour retrouver le trésor secret des Mayas.
LE TRESOR DES MAYAS est un jeu simple et passionnant. Pour récupérer les pièces du trésor et les échanger contre des cartes, les petits aventuriers doivent exécuter différentes actions: construction, mémorisation, rapidité, collecte…
There is also an hourglass to add some tension. But beware, the hourglass is hidden, you must guess how much time you have left !
The components are very good and the adventure stimulates the imagination of the younger players, as well as their brain.
How did I create the game?
The concept of that game came from a simple fact : in 2004, the publisher Haba had no game involving the notion of : « should I continue or should I stop ? ». That was my objective : to present a simple children game with that concept in mind and present it to Haba.
I had already created a game with a hidden hourglass (TIME IS MONEY) and I loved the stress involved by an adventure in the jungle. I wanted the children to feel as if they were Indiana Jones !
I designed multiple simple challenges and linked them to the theme of a trip through the jungle. I add a bag of diamonds in which you grab without looking. The first prototype was very convincing and fun, and I presented it to Haba.
The game had a nice life and even received multiple awards.