Jeu du Loup – Rapido Go

RAPIDO GO is an observation game, in which you must count as fast as possible. In that game, wolves will travel a lot.

Place on the table all cards, in a pile, « wolves » side, face up. Each player, on its turn takes the top card of the draw pile and flips it rapidly on the table, side « vehicules » face up.
All players must rapidly watch the two visible cards : « wolf » and « vehicules ». You will win the card IF you are the fastest to tell which « vehicules » card that has as many vehicules as the number of wolves on the « wolf » card.
The first player to indicate the type of transportation used by the wolf wins the card.
The game needs all players to be focused on the task, and fast to take a decision, but the setup is very simple and the illustrations are very cute.
How did I create the game?
Life is full l of opportunities : my accountant happens to be married to Orianne LALLEMAND, the author of the infamous series of books « LE LOUP » published by AUZOU.
Orianne happens to live close to my home and I even before we met, I already had an idea that would perfectly fit in her universe. AUZOU loved the idea and SHAZAM, the game came to life !
After that first game, AUZOU asked me for other ideas, other games, and that’s how RAPIDO GO was created, very RAPIDO !!